Recent events

An Evening with Alastair Sawday

20th October, 2021, Steyning Cricket Club


Make sure you’re free on Monday 27th May for the Steyning Country Fair, when the High St will be a bustle with street entertainers, music, craft stalls, rare breed farm animals, and delicious produce.

True to time-honoured tradition, we will have free activities for children in our garden marquee, led by picture book writer / illustrator Bryony Thomson. Bryony’s delightful book ‘The Wardrobe Monster’, published by local press Old Barn Books, is a beautifully illustrated, humorous and reassuring story for any child who has ever though there might be monsters lurking in the dark.

Bryony will be leading a fun ‘MONSTER MASH’ drawing session, helping children to create their own ‘wardrobe monsters’. There’ll also be stories, crafts and free refreshments for children, and grown-ups can take the weight off their feet and relax in our lovely bookshop garden marquee.

There will be 2 sessions: From 11am till noon, then again from 2pm until 3pm. Just come along, it’s free, no need to book! Suitable for ages 3-9. 

Bryony Thomson is a writer and illustrator based in Surrey. She graduated with a distinction from the MA Children’s Book Illustration Course at Cambridge School of Art, and also received a ‘Highly Commended’ in the Macmillan Prize. ‘The Wardrobe Monster’ is her first published book. Do check out her website, she has some gorgeous screen-printed tea towels and framed prints for sale there!