

Recursion by Blake Crouch. Pan Macmillan £8.99 ‘Recursion’ is the perfect lockdown page-turner! Blake Crouch may just have invented something totally new – his genre-bending novel ‘Recursion’, is a mash-up of mind-blowing sci-fi and...


Just out in March 2020 in paperback, this spell-binding fantasy novel by the supremely talented Frances Hardinge will suck you in and hold you in its grasp you like one of the many-tentacled sea-Gods who inhabit the story. Frances Hardinge is the Costa-award-winning...
The Mercies

The Mercies

I wolfed this astonishing, heart-rending novel down in a couple of days! An entrancing and beautifully-written novel by an author who has hitherto written for teenagers. ‘The Mercies’ is based on the real-life drama of a storm near the fishing village of...
The Ninth Child

The Ninth Child

A familiar face on our TV screens, Sally received great acclaim for her debut novel, The Sealwoman’s Gift, in 2018. Now we are pleased to introduce her second novel, The Ninth Child, a spellbinding tale which blends fact with fiction, history with folklore, and...